NNS_Sprints2013Check your club emails for all the details, but here is a summary of a very busy two weeks.

Relay Carnival:
It’s a big day at the relay carnival at SOPAC on Sunday July 20. North Sydney has the third largest team entered, so let’s make the numbers work for us! If you have never been to the relay carnival before, please arrive by 8:15 am for a quick briefing in the stands by the North Sydney banner. Don’t forget to bring your spending money to purchase team merchandise – including the new polo shirts!

Training cancelled July 20:
If you didn’t sign up for the carnival, please note there will be no coach on deck for the regular training session at North Sydney, so that session is cancelled.

Farewell to our weekend coach of the past couple of years: the Great John Wynberg!

EVERYONE is invited to John Wynberg’s farewell following the relay carnival at the Woolwich Pier Pub starting between 4 and 4:30pm.






Christmas in July:

Christmas in JulyOur annual Christmas in July party takes place Saturday July 26 at the dwelling of our gracious host John ‘Sandbag’ Kain. Please check your email for address details and also email Joe and Alice if you are attending and what food you will be bringing. Please also bring a $15 secret Santa gift for your chance to sit on Santa’s lap. Lastly, if you are able to provide a microwave for the evening, it would be highly appreciated to assist with food warming!

Good luck to North Sydney Swimmers attending World’s:

Wish your fellow swimmers good luck as they leave for Montreal to compete at FINA world championships. Five swimmers from North Sydney (John DeVries, Helen White, Sarah Koch, Simone Salier, and Christina Echols) will be joined by four second claim members from Ryde and Hornsby to compete together at this exciting event.

You may have also noticed the recent absence of Pool Captain, Sam Chalmers as she left for Geneva in mid July to participate at The Corporate Games, swimming for her company. Good luck Sam!