Updated: 11 February 2021
The following plan has been put together mostly by our Training & Safety officer Carolyn Hinton. As a club we must operate under these new standard operating procedures in order to be compliant with government restrictions and those adopted by the pools where we hire lanes. Please familiarise yourself with these procedures before attending your first squad. A maximum of 10 swimmers per lane is allowed per squads. If more show up, then the last ones to arrive over the limit will be asked to swim in the public lanes (we do not anticipate this happening to start).
North Sydney Masters: Standard Operating Procedures (COVID-19)
North Sydney Masters Covid 19 liaison / Training & Safety Officer
Carolyn Hinton 0412 611 831
Local Covid 19 restrictions
Follow all signage and policies put in place by the public swimming pool as we are required to follow all procedures put in place via their government approved COVID-19 Safety plan for their venue.
Please keep yourself familiar with local Coronavirus hotspots and take necessary precautions if you have visited hotspots. New South Wales restrictions for Covid-19 can be accessed through the New South Wales health website (https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/latest-news-and-updates ) and the Service NSW app (COVID-19 resources).
All swimmers are encouraged to download the COVIDSafe app on their iphone or android phone and keep it active when away from home. Everyone with a smartphone will also need to have the Service NSW app downloaded on their phone for check-in at the pool upon arrival (and check-out when leaving).
Operating Procedures
Always follow the on-site policies and procedures of the pool.
Upon arrival at the pool, you will need to provide your name and contact details via the QR code linking to the Service NSW app at the front entrance.
When swimming with North Sydney Masters please observe the following protocols;
Pre-User Patron Check / Club Track & Trace Policy:
- Check-in / Track & Tracing is all managed by swimming pool via the the Service NSW app.
- Upon arrival at the pool, you will need to scan the QR code at the front entrance and check-in via the Service NSW app.
Cleaning & Hygiene:
- Hand sanitiser is available on the pool deck near the lifeguard stations for use before or after training. We recommend you carry a small bottle with you in your swim bag.
- Avoid touching your face.
- Do not share food, drinks, equipment or towels. Keep your equipment away from other peoples’ equipment during squad.
- It is best if you bring a water bottle full of water to avoid touching taps. However, the bubbler on deck is enabled for re-filling water bottles – the drinking tap has been disabled.
- If you need to sneeze or cough use a tissue or cough into your upper arm.
- Avoid touching gates fences benches etc.
- Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water or use a hand sanitiser after leaving the pool.
- Bring your own kickboards and pull buoys to training and clean equipment when you get home.
Major Incident COVID-19 escalation policy:
- Please do not attend training if you or a member of your household feels unwell. It is better to be cautious than proceed with training. Communicate this to your coach/club.
- Please communicate any positive Covid tests to the club liason officer (Carolyn Hinton) immediately after getting the results. If you are unable to reach Carolyn, then please contact the coach of your most recent squad.
- North Sydney Masters club liaison officer (Carolyn Hinton) and/or coach will contact both the venue and NSW Health (SafeWork NSW 13 10 50) within 60 minutes of being notified of a positive COVID test from a swimmer who has attended squad.
When swimming / Physical Distancing:
- Do not make physical contact with others.
- Arrive as close as possible to when your squad starts, but allow yourself enough time to sign in with the pool at entry for track & trace purposes.
- Follow current directions for distancing in the water as you would on land.
- Maintain appropriate social distancing from other swimmers when taking a break.
- Wear your costume to and from training, come ready to swim, minimize your time at the pool after squad. If you do need to use the change rooms, respect the maximum capacity signs and minimize your time in the change rooms (shower at home where possible).
- Although not recommended, if gathering after training please observe social distancing protocols.
Incident during Squad Protocol
Swimmers should notify the coach if they are feeling unwell or sustain an injury during squad. Coaches will work with the pool lifeguards to help manage the situation.
Coaches and swimmer will need to ensure an incident form is filled in with the pool as well as the NSW Masters incident form required for insurance purposes.
Insurance & reporting requirements: (https://mastersswimmingnsw.org.au/about/governance/insurance/)
- Masters Swimming Australia provides a national insurance policy that covers all affiliated Branches and their Clubs through Public Liability, Directors and Officers Liability and Professional Indemnity policies; and their members with a Personal Accident insurance policy.
- For a summary of the National Insurance Program, a summary of the Personal Accident Insurance, or for a copy of the insurance Certificate of Currency, click here
- If and when any incident occurs, an authorised official is required to complete the incident report form and submit it through your Branch to the National office.
- If and when any injury is sustained, the person responsible for dealing with the injured person must complete the injury report form and submit it to your Branch.
- If it is necessary to make a claim, please contact the MSA National Office on 03 9682 5666 or email admin@mastersswimming.org.au to request a claim form. A claim should be submitted within 120 days of the injury. Do not wait until treatment is complete before submitting the claim form.
- Please contact the National Office to discuss any insurance questions or issues that arise. MSA changed their insurer in 2012 and is now covered by Sportscover Australia. MSA has an active working relationship with its broker, Marsh Pty Ltd, and all questions are answered promptly.
Swimmers at North Sydney Masters and Medical Clearance
Swimmers are reminded that whenever their medical status changes, they must immediately notify their Club Safety Officer and Club Coach. If you have not already done so, it is recommended that if there has been a change in your medical status, you should discuss with your doctor your intention to participate in squad sessions and clearance and restrictions should be adhered to.
All registered members and emergency contact list is available to coaches and the club safety officer (as per the details entered in your NSW Masters registration). These details will only be used in case of emergency.
A link to the contact list is supplied for coaches and club safety officer only.