There are a large number of meets and ocean swims during the year, we tend to target only some of these events. By targeting selected events, we hope to be able to encourage more club members to participate. Look out for club emails about which meets and ocean swims are being targeted. Note that you are welcome to attend any meet, not just the meets we are targeting.

How to enter a carnival Click ‘Enter’ next to the Meet details below and follow the Online Entry Steps.

Payment Transfer the meet entry fee to the North Sydney Masters Swimming Club Race Account (BSB: 112-879 Account No: 119941836). Clearly indicating the meet and your name.

The Master Swimming NSW event calendar is available here

Information about oceans swims is available at

Onine Entry

Please provide your details.

First Name:
Date of Birth:

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Online Entries Calendar

DateMeet NameVenuePool TypeClosing DateOnline EntriesMore Info
15/2/2025Myall MastersTea Gardens poolSC0000Results
Meet Date: 15/2/2025
Myall Masters
Venue: Tea Gardens pool
Pool Type: Short course