Safety Procedures

Incident (injury) procedure for North Sydney Masters swimming club
If you or a fellow club member is injured at North Sydney Olympic Swimming Pool please call the pool staff. The pool staff are required to attend to any incident however they may enlist the help of club members. Please offer to help particularly if you have current first aid or resuscitation accreditation.
Once the injured person has been attended to please advise a member of the Committee (ideally the current Safety Co-ordinator) as an Injury and an Incident Report form must be completed (this is in addition to the documentation which will be completed by the pool staff). Report forms are located in the emergency contacts folder in the North Sydney Olympic Swimming Pool manager’s (locked) office. A copy of the Forms should be forwarded to the NSW Branch Safety Co-Ordinator (and the original retained by the injured person/Safety Co-ordinator). The success of future insurance claims may be dependent on the information provided in the forms so it is vital that they are completed and forwarded as soon as possible after the incident (NOT after treatment is complete or the matter has resolved) as claimants only have 120 days to make a claim after an incident.
The Club member (ideally a committee member) assisting the injured person should delegate another member to contact the injured person’s next of kin.
Further details of Masters Swimming Australia insurance cover and emergency procedures can be found on the Masters Swimming website: